Creating Belonging in Web3 Communities

1/18/2023 17:31

A community is crucial to the success of any Web3 project. A strong community can provide a sense of belonging and connection for members. This fosters loyalty and engagement. This is particularly important for Web3 companies, because community controls many things here, from the direction of the project to, unofficially, the price of the token. 

In addition to providing support and connection for members, a strong community can also be an important source of feedback and ideas. By engaging with the community and soliciting input and suggestions, companies can gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of their users, which can help to improve their products and services.

Lastly, a strong and active community can also serve as a valuable marketing and outreach tool. By providing a platform for people to share their experiences and opinions about a company's products or services, the community can help to generate buzz and interest, which can help to attract new users and customers.

How to Foster Belonging

As social creatures, we are naturally drawn to community. Being a part of a community provides a sense of belonging and identity. However, creating a genuine feeling of belonging in online communities, especially in Web3, can be challenging. 

That’s because people don't interact and connect with each other in the same way they do in person. And, online, often feels less personal. 

Fortunately, there are strategies that can help to foster a sense of belonging in Web3 communities. Let’s take a look at some of them below:

📌 Choose a Platform

Before anything else, choose a platform where you want to build your community. For Web3 communities, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram are the most popular. However, don’t limit yourself to whatever’s popular. You might end up overlooking other platforms that can provide more value to your audience. 

For example, Reddit and Instagram are less popular community platforms. However, if your target audience is already here, then it doesn't hurt to explore the platform and build a community there.

Also, you don’t need to be present on all platforms. Instead, focus your attention where you know your target market hangs out and expand from there.

📌 Set Some Ground Rules

Once you've chosen a platform, establish some ground rules. For example, you want to make sure that your community knows what they are actually getting into. Clarify who you are and what your goals are for the community. 

To avoid any distortion or steering away from your goals, focus on themes that your community can explore. Identify the behaviors you want to foster — and you want your community to embody. Digital spaces can quickly get out of hand. So, if anybody violates the community rules, make sure you enforce the rules. While it shouldn't happen everyday, there is no shame in banning or suspending someone if needed.

📌 Create a Culture of Inclusivity

Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment can help people feel comfortable and accepted from the get-go. This can be done through the language and tone used, as well as by promoting diversity and inclusivity.

📌 Encourage Participation and Contribution

Encouraging participation and engagement can help people feel more connected to the community. You can do this by providing opportunities for people to contribute and get involved, such as through discussions, events, and activities.

It's best to make paths to get involved as clear as possible. This makes your community more inclusive, because everyone, not just the people who already feel the most connected, will be able to become more involved.

📌 Support and Nurture Talent

Providing support and resources can help people feel valued in the community.  This also radically increases the value that your community sees — making it more likely people will stick around.

But, what can this support look like? It can include anything, from offering assistance and guidance, to access to tools, information, and other resources that can help people thrive in the community.

📌 Go Beyond Virtual Activities

Building connections and relationships IRL can help people feel more connected to each other and to the community as a whole. This is not a must for every community — and not logical for every community — but it's worth looking at. 

You can do this with offline meetups and events that promote interaction and collaboration. But, you can also enable smaller, less official initiatives that encourage people to get to know each other on a personal level.

📌 Be Present, Active, and Engaged

When a company is present and actively participating in the community, it sends a message. Primarily, that community members are valued and supported. This can help to foster a sense of connection and belonging among community members, and can encourage them to be more engaged and active in the community.

📌 Get Help from Experts

We understand that building a community can be challenging and overwhelming. You may not have sufficient resources or enough knowledge and expertise to build a community. However, some digital marketing agencies like Hype can help you do just that. So, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need.

Final Thoughts

In the words of @rosiesherry, founder of @RosielandHQ in our last Twitter Space on Community Building:

“When you’re starting a community, it doesn’t look like you’re starting a community. It’s kinda like having conversations, getting to know people, trying to understand who they are.”

In building a community, it’s not about you or your company. It’s about the people in your community. So, make sure that people are benefiting and together, you all win!

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