Key Channels of Web3

10/26/2022 18:52

Looking for your Web3 people…or where to share or find information about the space?

For the time being, those conversations often still happen on co-opted Web2 platforms. Below you'll find a taster of some of the biggest platforms for Web3 communities.


Most used social media for blockchain and crypto markets.

Main strategies:

  • Reach out to top influencers.
  • Amplify the message.

What works?

  • Emojis, memes, gifs, stats, graphs, infographics, and strong fundamentals.
  • Hashtags and cashtags to grab attention.

What doesn't work?

  • Cheap or overused tactics (i.e. "$eth to the moon").

Telegram and Discord

The second and third most used channels, respectively, although Discord is quickly gaining.

Both host many influencers, project communities, and gem hunters.

Main strategy:

  • Create organic conversation.

What works?

  • Join a group and wait a few days before introducing your project.
  • Say hello, get to know people, and start organically mentioning your project…where relevant.
  • Mention other relevant projects.

What not to do?

  • Join the group and immediately start shilling.


A challenging, but still relevant channel to market on.

Requires knowledge of subreddits, the rules, and organic engagement.

What works?

  • An account with good karma…whether you build it or buy it.
  • Finding the right subreddit.
  • Sharing project developments.
  • Joining discussions…following similar strategies to Telegram.


YouTube is most useful for SEO.

Many influencers use YouTube to create:

  • Videos about the market, projects, gems, and education.
  • These are typically paid — and can be very expensive — collaborations.

What works?

  • Organic, high quality comments.

Why do these platforms matter?

If Web3 conversations are mostly relegated to Web2 platforms, is there really any difference?

Yes and no. Obviously, the platforms are the same and the algorithms are the same. What makes these platforms useful is that the audiences are different. You'll find a Web3 audience…or rather many Web3 audiences (we're not a monolith).

But, aside from that, there are other differences to take into account, especially when using these channels for marketing purposes.

General Tips

First, DYOR (if you're unfamiliar, Do Your Own Research) goes for EVERYONE in the space. Shilling a project that later undergoes a scandal can put your account and reputation at risk.

Beyond that, you'll also have to work with the narratives of the space. Many people are here because of the money. But, that tends to fall flat after a while. The decentralized, open source, and general democratizing powers that Web3 hopes to unleash are key for many people. Understanding (like really, understand them) and helping to build out this future and these narratives will likely increase your traction in the space.

There is also a heavy focus on creativity and reciprocity. Where else will you find a founder speaking directly to people and answering questions than Web3? Use this. Engage your audience, talk to the community. It leads to some of the greatest ideas, we promise 😉

Transparency is essential in this industry. Again, this goes for EVERYONE. If you aren't answering questions, especially if you are marketing a project, it will reflect badly. Be clear, be open, be honest.

Now that you have a brief…and very high level…lay of the land, go forth and prosper! You can always check out our Twitter if you want to see some of our Who to Follow lists to start curating your Web3 social media, finding influencers, and, of course, engaging.

Have any experiences to share or want to learn more? Join our Discord to talk now, or contribute directly to the Third Academy Library by applying to be a contributor below!

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